Object type

British Railways poster. Inter-City Sleepers. Overground by Night, 1974


'Stay alive. Stay off the line!'


Freedom of Scotland Rail Tickets


Oh! Wouldn't You Like to be Beside the Seaside

British Railways poster


west highland line

Poster, British Rail (Intercity), Intercity makes the going easy to Monica. You remember Monica?, depicting eye, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Monica


British Railways poster. Railcard Holders - Please Keep Your Railcard Handy, 1979. Depicts 4 examples of railcards. 2nd copy. Ref. P278/979 INDF.

Railcard Holders. Please keep your railcard handy


British Railways poster. Runabout Seasons (Scotland and the North of England), 1979 Special reductions for children. Shows country scene. Ref.B10/2-01/79-1750

Runabout Seasons 1979.


British Railways poster. Senior Citizen Railcards - Half Price Rail Travel Anyday, Anywhere, £3.50 Railcard for day trips, Awayday tickets at half the full price. £7 Railcard for ordinary single or return tickets at half the full price. Shows black and white photograph of elderly couple. Ref.P51/379. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Senior Citizen Railcards. Half-price rail travel anyday, anywhere.


British Railways poster. Railcard Holders - Please keep your Railcard Handy, We'll need to see it at the ticket barrier and on the train, 1979, slogan 'Have a good trip', top part of poster shows enlarged fronts of BR Student Railcard and Senior Citizen Railcard, ref P40/279, BR24887/8 INDF, printed by Lonsdale and Bartholomew Ltd, Nottingham. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Railcard Holders - Please keep your Railcard Handy


British Railways(CAS) poster. Annual Season Ticket Holders - Now the Chance to win a Free Annual Season Ticket! 1982 Various illustrations relating to the special offers available. Ref. P552/3150

Annual Season Ticket Holders. Exclusive offers from Journey Club.


Poster, British Rail (Eastern Region), Leeds City Departures, timetables, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd, 1967. Format: quad crown. Dimensions: 40 x 30 inches, 1016 x 762mm.

BR(ER) timetable poster


Poster, British Rail (Eastern Region), Special Price Holiday Travel, depicting people eating ice creams, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Special Price Holiday Travel


Poster, BR CAS South Network South East, Have a great day at Bembom Brothers White Knuckle Theme Park, Margate, until October 1987. speical combined rail admission ticket. Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd, Nottingham, W12555\B123687 . Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Bembom Brothers White Knuckle Theme Park, Margate


Poster, British Railways (Eastern Region), "York Leeman Road Freight Depot", closure announcement 3 April 1972 transfer to York Foss Islands Freight Depot, I. M. Campbell General Manager, blue text on white background.

York Leeman Road Freight Depot


Poster, British Railways Board, poster, (Make the Most of a Family Railcard), Promoting the family railcard,Photograph of family in street 1-4 adults at half price,1-4 children at £1 each, Photograph of Jimmy Savile, "This is the age of the train", Bottle green, January 1981, (Other IDs P459/7600/1181).

Make the Most of a Family Railcard


Poster, British Rail Hovercraft poster, ('Go French' With Seaside Hovercraft), Advertising same day return to Boulogne or Calais for £10 from London, S.R. Termini) between 1 October and 15 December 1979, Monday - Saturday only (inclusive), Illustrated with photos of S.R. Electric trains and a hovercraft, 1979, (Other Associations, GS94/979).

'Go French' With Seaside Hovercraft


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Go On A Picnic Southern Style), Template poster with photo of family picnicing, April 1969, (Other IDs AD2643/A2/9469****).

Go On A Picnic Southern Style


Poster, paper, Manchester Victoria Train Departures (weekdays only), issued by British Rail, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd. Covers period 1 May 1972 to 5 May 1973. Document no. BR 35120/64. This was the last timetable poster issued before the closure of platforms 1 to 4 at Victoria and the diversion of the Bury electric services to platform 5.

Manchester Victoria Train Departures


Poster, British Rail (Western Region) poster, (Look What You Gain When You Travel by Train - Inter-City 125 - A Delicious Way to Travel), Promoting new Inter-City 125 catering on London Bristol and London South Wales routes, With special prices.

Look What You Gain When You Travel by Train - Inter-City 125 - A Delicious Way to Travel

Leaflet, paper, Wigan Traction Maintenance Depot, issued by British Rail (London Midland Region) and printed by Bartholomew & Lonsdale (Nottingham) Ltd., circa 1974. Produced around the time of the electrification of the west Coast Main Line from Weaver Junction to Glasgow. 4pp.

Wigan Traction Maintenance Depot

circa 1974

BR(ER) timetable leaflet, Your Train Guide - Times & Fares, Hull- Bridlington-Scarborough, 5 January-2 May 1970

BR(ER) timetable leaflet


British Railways poster. See More of Britain by Railrovers, 1977 Depicts diagrammatic rail track linking 4 photographs of places to visit. Ref.4502/B32/277 FEB-OCT. Format; Double Royal, 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

See more of Britain by Railrovers


British Railways poster. Railcard Holders - Please Keep Your Railcard Handy, 1979.Depicts 4 examples of railcards. Ref. P278/979 INDEF.

Railcard Holders. Please keep your railcard handy


British Railways (CPU) poster. Are You in the Picture about Half-Price Rail Travel? Student Railcard, 1979 Shows two examples of railcards Ref.P228/1179

Are you in the picture about half-price rail travel? (Student Railcard)


British Railways poster. Senior Citizen Railcards - Half Price Rail Travel Anyday, Anywhere, 1979 Shows head and shoulders of pensioner couple. (Actors, Clive Dunne and ?). Ref. P51/379. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Senior Citizen Railcards - Half Price Rail Travel Anyday, Anywhere


British Railways poster. 1982 Runabout Seasons (Scotland and the North of England) Scotland's for me. Depicts mother and child beside river watching train go over bridge. Ref.PM19/B10-02/82

1982 Runabout Sesaons. Special reductions for children


British Railways poster. See More of Britain for Less with Railrovers, 1978 Depicts map of Britain showing areas for tickets. Ref. 5632B/378 Mar-Oct.

Railrovers. See more of Britain for less with Railrovers.


British Railways poster. See More of Britain for Less with Railrovers, 1978 Depicts map of Britain showing areas for tickets. 2nd copy Ref. 5632B/378 Mar-Oct.

Railrovers. See more of Britain for less.


Notice. British Railways (Eastern Region). Passenger Services. York-Sowerby Bridge-Manchester. Withdrawal of passenger train service between York-Castleford-Normanton-Wakfield Kirkgate-Sowerby Bridge-Manchester Victoria, and closure of Horbury and Brighouse for Rastrick Stations to passenger traffic, from 5 January 1970. Blue text on white background. BR(ER) ref: EC1/22-10/69. Printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew (Nottingham) Ltd. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Notice regarding the withdrawal of passenger train service


BR CAS (South) Network South East poster: 7 Day Rover Tickets valid until 31 October 1987. 7 consecutive days rail travel around the southern countries etc. Illustrations of various sights and locations etc. Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd. W11995 24 April. Presented by British Rail. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

7 Day Rover Tickets


Poster, British Rail, People who love islands love the Isle of Man, with three photographs depicting holiday-makers, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

People who love islands love the Isle of Man


Poster, British Rail (Intercity), Intercity makes the going easy to Sheffield, Leeds and Newcastle, depicting a train travelling on track, car being eaten by serpent, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Intercity makes the going easy to Sheffield, Leeds and Newcastle


Poster, British Rail (Intercity), Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Mum, depicting treacle pudding, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 1970.

Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Mum


Poster, British Rail (Intercity), Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Birmingham every 30 minutes, depicting photographs of locomotives, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Birmingham


Poster, British Rail (Intercity), Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Granddad, depicting medals, printed by Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 1970. Format: Double Royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Intercity Makes the Going Easy to Granddad


Poster, BRB CAS (South) Network South East poster, Gatwick City Link direct service for city executives. London Bridge to Gatwick Airport in only 35 minutes. No Sunday Service. Illustration - city stayline, train and plane. Lonsdale & Bartholomew Ltd, Nottingham. W13372. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Gatwick City Link - Direct Service for Executives


Poster, British Railways (Inter City) poster, (Special Notice. A High Speed Improvement), White background "Special" in black "Notice" and BR logo in scarlet, Remainder royal blue, Gives explanation for extended journey times on same western region HST 125 routes, And announces all trains on London - West of England and London South Wales, Routes now operating as planned, The few remaining trains, London - Bristol to be restored later in the year, Illustration - head on views of 3 HSTs - At bottom of poster, 1980s.

Special Notice. A High Speed Improvement


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Southern Style), Large photograph of crowds at Windsor Castle sub lettering "Go to interesting places... Southern Style, April 1969, (Other IDs AD2642/A2/9462).

Southern Style


Poster, British Rail (Western Region) poster, (The Shape of Travel to Come - Inter-City APT), Promotional photograph of tilting APT train, Advertising Advanced Passenger Train service between Glasgow and Euston, Printed in multi - colours, With white lettering.

The Shape of Travel to Come - Inter-City APT

Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Go to London Southern Style), Large photograph of family unit by the Thames with Big Ben in the background, April 1969, (Other IDs AD2648/A1 1/2/9469).

Go to London Southern Style


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Go To Town...Southern Style), White/blue background, Photograph of couple having a meal, 1969, (Other IDs AD2645/A2/9469).

Go To Town...Southern Style


BR(ER) leaflet, This is Your Line, Hull-Bridlington-Scarborough, 1970

This is Your Line


BR(ER) timetable leaflet, Your Train Guide - Times & Fares, Hull- Bridlington-Scarborough, 5 January-2 May 1970

BR(ER) timetable leaflet